
With this it's easy to reliably specify the order of items in Views.  Cool!

The Entityqueue module allows users to create queues of any entity type. Each queue is implemented as an Entity Reference field, that can hold a single entity type.

For instance, you can create a queue of:

  • Nodes
  • Users
  • Taxonomy Terms
  • etc.

Entityqueue provides Views integration, by adding an Entityqueue relationship to your view, and adding a sort for Entityqueue position.

Media Entity Replace

How to replace a media file (e.g. document and image) and keep the same filename?

With this you can easily change a file within the Media Library keeping the same filename.  Wonderful.

This module allows content editors to easily replace the source files associated with file-based media types (like "Document"). The replacement file overwrites the existing file, keeping the same filename and path, which is usually what content editors want to do when performing a file replacement.


Views Bootstrap module enables you to create components following the theme structure of the Bootstrap framework all within the configuration settings of Views module (Drupal 7) or in core Drupal 8.