RSS News Feed Image link with Header title

The code below may be placed within a block.

<? global $base_path; ?>

<a href=""><img alt="RSS News Feed " src=""/></a></h3>

However, to get it to reside within a block title customise the block.tpl.php file.

Please see FAQ describing how to customise block.tpl.php file by blockname and region.

too many mysql connections

On the mysql command line:

The following two commans are useful to determine current connections:

  •   SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected';

Centos prompt

You may update the mysql configuration which is located under /etc/my.cnf.

Two variables you may like to review are:

Unix replace string in file

A string can be replaced within a unix file using the 'sed' command. For example, it may that you've created a MySQL dump and you want to update a string and then import it back into the database.

For example, let's say we have a string '/var/www/vhosts/intranet2' within a file named 'intranet.sql' and we want to replace it with '/var/www/vhosts/intranet' and save it into a new file named 'intranet-updated.sql'.

You simply need to enter:

Database bottlenecks

Here are some basic strategies for optimising Drupal's use of the database.

Enabling MySQL's Query Cache

To enable add the following lines to to your MySQL options file - the file is named my.cnf and specifies the variables and behaviour from your MySQL server.

# The MySQL Server

The current cache size can be viewed as output of MySQL's SHOW VARIABLES command:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'query_cache%';

query_cache_size | 67108864
query_cache_type | ON